Northport High School
Class Of 1968
James Campbell
Residing In: | Bonaire, GA USA |
Spouse/Partner: | Jilma |
Homepage: | |
Occupation: | Real Estate Agent |
Children: | Lily, born 1973; JoAnn, born 1975; James Jr. born 1977 |
Military Service: | Air Force |
Joined the Air Force in 1969, 20 years active duty working as a DoD Civilian, hoping to retire within the next three years.
Update; Retired April 2014 after 45 year with The Department of Defense (USAF). Moved from Enid Oklahoma to Bonaire Georgia, I was tired of just watching News and Netflix so I took the Real Estate Class, passed the State Test and I am now a licensed Agent in the State of Georgia.
"I don't sell Homes, I just help people buy their Dreams"
I came, I saw, I graduated...That's All Folks...
James' Latest Interactions
Happy Birthday, Missed it by a couple of days,I have to update my profile with my new email. Hope you enjoyed your birthday.
Posted on: Sep 16, 2015 at 4:33 AM
Edward, Thanks for the reply about Jerry Granger, I'm very sorry I did not reply sooner, so my apologies sincerely. Read your Bio, can't honestly say I remember a lot of classmates from school, I was kind of a loner, shy and really just recently moved to East Northport for my last two years of school. I hope all is well with you and look forward to talking in the future.
Yes that's right, photos don't lie, time has taken it's toll, but I am still a funny guy with a great sense of humor.
I just joined the Northport High Alumni Web Site, cost $50 for a lifetime membership, lets hope I live another 50 years so it only costs me a dollar a year...
As Billy Currington once sang "God is Great, Beer is Good, People are Crazy"
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